HeimHeim/Android-SpieleAndroid-Spiele/The Legend Of Dragon 1 [PS1]The Legend Of Dragon 1 [PS1]

The Legend Of Dragon [PS1]

Best Japanese RPG on Playstation platfrom

The Legend Of Dragon [PS1] - Best Japanese RPG on Playstation platfrom
1.43 GB
AbonnierenFavoritenSpäter herunterladenAktualisierungsanfrage
Größe1.43 GB
Google Play-Bewertung★ 5 (0)
Ansichten heute0
InternetNicht benötigt


The Legend Of Dragon - a terrific jRPG.
The plot tells about the pre-existing Tree, which gave birth to 108 civilizations. 106 there were mankind, 107 - winged dragons, possessing great power and subjugating the whole world. By 108 race belonged only one creature - Embryo, God of Destruction. In his plans to destroy the whole world, all 107 civilizations, and for this he decided to unleash a war between the dragons and the rest of the world.
This is the first role-playing game that combined a classic tu-based combat system and augmented combat, which involved the speed and reaction of the player. During the attack, the main character runs over to the opponent and strikes, while at the same time two squares are displayed on the screen, which gradually merge into one. If you have time to press the button during their merge, the hero continues to conduct attacks. Thus, you can contemplate the incredible combinations that take away more health, the more strokes were committed.
In addition to the conventional system of weapons, equipment and levels in the game introduced the system Dragoons - majestic creatures, whose souls could master the characters and multiply their strength. As the heroes are pumped and promoted along the story line, Dragoon's strength will increase, helping you in the most difficult battles.

Android OS
Open GL
1.43 GB
Android TV
Deutsche Sprache

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Letztes Datum08-Apr-2017
Popularität99% (
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Wie installiert man The Legend Of Dragon [PS1]

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So aktualisieren Sie The Legend Of Dragon [PS1]

So aktualisieren Sie The Legend Of Dragon [PS1]

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