HeimHeim/NachrichtenNachrichten/If you are having difficulty logging into the siteIf you are having difficulty logging into the site

If you are having difficulty logging into the site

On the site with the new engine, the principle of authorization has been rewritten, in connection with which the principle of storing the user's hash in the database has changed. And if your authorization has failed, then follow these steps.

  • First, try using the password recovery procedure yourself. The password recovery section is here. Password recovery occurs at the email address you specified during registration.

  • If you received a new password and see a message about successful authorization, but the redirect works again on the authorization form, then try clearing cookies for the site androeed.store

  • If you didn't receive your access recovery email, please check your spam folder. If there is no letter in the "Spam" folder, then write to androeed.ru and indicate the following data.
    1. Your login
    2. Your email
    3. Describe the error situation. Indicate what difficulties arise in this

  • If you previously completed registration without using email (for example, through social networks or using a mobile phone number), then  you will need to link your email. For this:
    1. Write a letter to androeed.ru in any form and provide the following data: Your login (or nickname) that you remember, provide a link to your profile in VK (if authorization was through VK) or indicate a phone number (if registration passed using the phone number).
    2. Don't forget to enter your valid email address to link it to your account.
    3. After providing this data, we will assign your email to your account and send you new data for authorization on the site.

  • If you have any other errors during authorization, then also write to androeed.ru and tell us about your problem in as much detail as possible.